
So...About the Post...

Life does such a sweet and lovely job of being complex!

I arrived at work Thursday afternoon to discover that I'd unexpectedly been given quite a few additional work hours through this weekend. I'm grateful for God's provision of paychecks!

These extra days of work also afforded me the rare privilege of overhearing many...umm...shall we say "enlightening" conversations between my coworkers regarding their fellow employees. Much of it I would prefer not to know and will not repeat here. (There is one great quote I can relate, though: "I'm a skinny girl at heart. But the fat girl in me keeps eating her." Since my coworker was teasing about herself, I don't feel bad sharing the chuckle with you. ^_^) As a result of overheard gossip, I now have greater reason to battle my human tendency toward judgemental stereotyping. I want to be friendly and compassionate towards the individuals I heard being discussed--just as friendly as I sought to be before hearing tales about them. It's nice that the Lord would provide me with the incentive I need to be intentional!

I woke up Thursday morning with a bite of some sort on my right forearm. I still thought little of it on Friday morning, when it was more swollen. By Saturday morning, a long red streak had spread up my arm. By Sunday morning, the red had expanded even more...and my right hand felt funny. I left work before the end of my first shift (and someone graciously offered to cover my evening shift) so that I could pay (and I do mean "pay") a visit to the local MedCheck. Apparently, I'm having a very strong allergic reaction to whatever bit me. At this moment I'm doped up on something stronger than Benedryl and a topical steroid. (I really should be in bed right now, but I'm stupid. ^_~) But there are at least two cool things about this bizarre incident: First of all, I'm dealing with an allergic reaction, not an infection. No one will have to carve up my arm! Second of all, I have no clue what bit me. For all I know, it could have been something poisonous and the Lord is miraculously protecting me. (By the same token, I could also have suddenly developed an extreme reaction to chiggers...)

I wonder what will happen when I reach Heaven. I bet I will be absolutely stunned to finally see what amazing purpose the Lord has for all of these seemingly insignificant and/or inconvenient happenings of my day-to-day lies. I want to remember that I am tremendously blessed to walk through each day by his side. What a lavish gift!

I truly am going to post my testimony. To avoid making any more false promises, I'll venture to say that the first post will be up by the end of this week. I'm sorry for the wait. Thanks for your patience!


Anonymous said...

From someone else who's dead to the world right now, yeah, it'll be great to see! O.o Prayers and hugs Onesan.

not4myself said...

Thank you!

(By the way, I meant to type "day-to-day life," not "day-to-day lies.")It's wonderful to think of finally seeing jut how protected we are right now! Especially in those moments when we feel utterly exposed and abandoned.

Anonymous said...

Huh? I didn't even notice.

Anonymous said...

you know not everything is caused by God or Satan...

not4myself said...

That's very true. Spelling errors probably fall into the "Other" category. ^_~
(I know what you're really getting at, Imoutochan; I just couldn't resist the opportunity to tease. Please reread my final comment under Deaf and Dumb Part 2. The encouragement offered there has not altered. And the degree to which I hope to continue encouraging you has not decreased.)

Anonymous said...

So, I take it that was your answer... Ook.

not4myself said...

Regarding any questions you may ask which I say I will answer, the answer will appear in the same comment strand as your question. <3

Anonymous said...

Oh. :P