
That Which the Locust Has Eaten

~ Hope Handed Down~
Here is a collection of songs--some new, some old--to encourage you during times of trial and painful growth. Many of them have been used by the Lord during my most challenging seasons. (The credit for this collection belongs entirely to Ninja-Hime-chan and Imouto-chan, with a shout-out to Michelle. Thank you, beautiful ladies! You bless my life. It’s an honor and a privilege.)

*DO*NOT*WATCH*THE*VIDEOS* (Many of them are distracting at best, and counter-productive at worst.)

Just close your eyes. Picture yourself torn, scratched, and weary... fallen to your knees at the farthest end of the Lord's throne room. And as you make your way through these songs, I hope you begin to picture him beckoning you closer. Accept His invitation, my dear reader. Crawl...walk...run toward Him. Climb into His lap and let the comfort of His embrace surround your weary being. You are Home, my friend. And you are Loved.


That Which the Locust Has Eaten

~ Part 1b—In A Red-Tinted Mirror~

Admitting we struggle, acknowledging we’re far from perfect—it’s tough. And once we have acknowledged something painful…then what? Where do we go from there? How do we move into Freedom?

~ ~ ~

My Lord is gracious enough to lead me forward. And Purity looks ahead with anticipation. But Withdrawal gazes backward in horror: as I walk away from myself, the increased distance affords a clearer view of my struggles. What have I done! Withdrawal sobs. Look at those I have hurt! Look at the sins I’ve committed! Look at how wretched I have been—how wretched I am even now!

It is not wrong to mourn my failings. A heart tender to the Lord will inevitably find reason to do so. But as Withdrawal begins to acknowledge the stark reality of my fallen state, heartbreak can bring her to a stand-still—making her an easy target for condemnation and fear: What right have I to hope for better things? I merit no favors or reward. How could I possibly change? This is my identity. All forward motion ceases. And as Withdrawal warps under attack, Purity warps as well: I am nothing but a burden and a stumbling block. Why bother trying? I am beyond all hope of healing. I deserve the full measure of punishment…and I will ensure that I receive it!

Has your heart ever cried out with such words, dear reader? Mine certainly has. Realization of my failings can so easily make me falter.

When Withdrawal and Purity are beset by condemnation and fear, I become my own judge. When confronted with my impurity, I cry out. “Woe to me! I [too] am doomed!” (Isaiah 6:5). But I proclaim it as a death sentence, with authority that is not mine to claim. I echo Job’s confession, that “I detest [myself] and repent in dust and ashes” (42:6) with a bitter tone of self-loathing that is not shared by my Creator and Savior. Even Paul’s declaration that I should “treat my body hard and make it my slave so that…I will not be disqualified” (1Cor. 9:27) can be twisted into a justification for self-abuse.

Has your mind ever responded in such a way? I forget that I lack the power and authority to be my own judge. Moreover, I forget that I am redeemed; I forget that I am part of the Bride. I forget that I am loved.

My dear reader, do you know that you are loved? Do you know it—not merely with your intellect, but with your soul?

You see, there is one fact that I deliberately failed to mention: Withdrawal and Purity are both blind. Blind? They are blind? Then how can they see what’s behind and ahead? How is this grief and anguish even possible?

Withdrawal and Purity each carry a mirror. Only in this reflective window can they behold anything. But the mirror’s surface is dimmed: each one bears a fresh, permanent layer of blood. Through this protective film, Withdrawal beholds a portion of what lies behind. Only a portion. Purity catches glimpses of what waits ahead. Only glimpses. And all the while, Withdrawal and Purity are being led along “a road they don’t know” by the One Who Loves Best, who turns “darkness to light before them, and straighten[s] their twisted paths” (Isaiah 42:16).

Sometimes, in the walk toward freedom, Withdrawal and Purity become so absorbed in the fractional sight given them that they forget the means by which their blindness is alleviated. And the One who gave them the mirrors allows them to forget…so that He can remind them.

The Most High God sent his Son to bear my guilt as a pure and willing sacrifice. Surely I have no right to doubt that the One who purchased my freedom already knows my guilt in its ugly entirety. And He loves me. With full knowledge of my shame, the Lord chooses to love me. He calls me to walk in freedom; he protects me from seeing all of my failures at once.

As I strive to move forward in Withdrawal and Purity, under the sacrificial blood of Jesus Christ, the One who holds all Authority has passed this judgment over me: “You are righteous! And you are mine!”

  • I Am Loved. He calls me to walk toward himself; and within my blindness he gives limited vision of what he is calling me out of.

  • I am Protected. Even as he permits me to see specific areas of weakness, I see them through the red-tinted mirror of grace.

Our Judge has declared us righteous. Who are we to say different? My dear reader: You Are Loved! Deeply. Totally. Unswervingly. By the One who is entitled to love you least yet chooses to love you best and guard you always! Cling to that unalterable Truth when you are tempted to pass judgment on yourself.

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As we move beyond the introduction and begin exploring my testimony together, I am praying for you. I am praying difficult things: that the Holy Spirit would speak through these words; that your eyes would be opened; that your mind and heart would be challenged, changed, and healed; This will, of course, involve spiritual attack. I am praying that the Lord will protect you against any assaults seeking to overwhelm you; and I utter that request with an attitude of worship and praise, because I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that He has, is, and will continue protecting you! I pray that you will be encouraged. I wish I could be sitting beside you as you read this, and give you a hug. But again, I type those words with worship in my heart: the One we serve, the One we seek, holds you securely—closer than a friend and sister ever could. His embrace surrounds you during joy and despair. I pray that you will come to understand His love.


That Which the Locust Has Eaten

~Part 1a—Seeing God through Gouda~

I am severely allergic to milk products. I also have several family members, friends and acquaintances who deal with dietary restrictions: dairy, corn, wheat, eggs, natural and artificial sweeteners, vitamin B, soy, bananas, gluten, peanuts, and cats (please note: cat allergy is only considered a dietary restriction in certain countries). Odd as it may sound to you, dear reader, I think food allergies offer a very accurate picture of my struggles—our struggles—on a larger scale.

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In all likelihood, my dairy allergy was present from infancy. While still a baby, the physician once remarked to my mother that my health problems might be related to her own milk intake; but the line of inquiry ended there. I find it strange to consider the idea that--if the doctor’s thought process had carried just a little farther--I might have spent the following 21 years very differently. Instead, I was perpetually ill. That which affects part of the body truly affects the whole body. In the same way, that which affects part of the Body truly affects the whole Body.

Someone once told me, “Technically, the human body is intolerant of everything. It’s just a matter of when and how the body will begin to forcefully reject something.” Wow. Think about that for a minute. We were not created for a fallen world; our bodies are completely incompatible with this place. War exists even at the cellular level. The corruption of humanity’s choice to sin touches absolutely everything. Entropy is not just a law of thermodynamics, it’s a biblical fact: without the intervention of God through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, we are a closed system…with an increasing build-up of breakdowns.

~ ~ ~

So, in reality, everything is bad for me. Moreover, I desire what is bad for me. According to my mother’s allergist, the body craves that to which it is allergic. For years, I consumed vast quantities of dairy; a glass of milk was more satisfying than water. And all the while I only caused myself greater harm. To my system, dairy is unusable, toxic. And my body wanted more and more of it. I slowly destroyed myself for 21 years.

The apostle Paul reminds us that we are always slaves of something—whether sin or righteousness (Romans 6). But until we taste the Goodness of enslavement to the Most High, can we realize the bitterness of our bondage to sin? I always felt ill, depressed, rundown. I did not know another way of life existed. Rather, I did not know it existed for me. I wished to be more like the animated people I met during those years. They looked so free… I had no idea that such a reality could be mine. Instead, I continued in my bondage: eating dairy, feeling sick and miserable, wishing in a passive, empty way for something better.

~ ~ ~

By the spring of my junior year in college, vomiting five or six times each day was commonplace. I existed in a perpetual state of fatigue. I couldn’t focus; usually I lacked the mental clarity to make wise choices or to care when I made poor ones. Social activities were beyond my flagging strength. Good grades became a faraway dream. I knew something was very wrong…but that did not help, since I couldn’t figure out the source of my problem.

Halfway through the semester I finally consulted a local physician. He listened to my symptoms and did some blood work. “It’s stress,” he told me. “Here, take a pill.” Of course, medicine designed to prevent vomiting did not fix my problems. It intensified them. Now my body had one less method for releasing the toxic substances it insisted it wanted.

Doesn’t the Lord do this to us sometimes? Although the Lord is gently telling us otherwise, we insist that a behavior or object or activity or person or attitude is essential to our well-being. And just as He did with the nation of Israel time after time—just as He does with all of humanity—our loving Heavenly Father gives us what we believe we need. He hands up over to our sins. He lets us gorge ourselves upon them until we are sick.

In other instances, the Lord uses this same method to open our eyes because we were not previously aware of our misplaced dependence. Through repetition He gradually draws us into the realization that a certain behavior, object, activity, person, or attitude is making us sick. Perhaps we’ve even been looking for the source of our illness. Searching with blind eyes reveals nothing. The Lord allows us to continue gorging just long enough for Him to remove the scales from our eyes.

I looked for a possible allergy connection for many months. Knowing my mother has a wide array of allergies and food-related health issues, I began searching for a common food link. But I could not find one! (Dear reader, do you know how common milk products are in the food we eat? They’re everywhere!) In my blindness, I could not see the common link. It did not seem to matter how much I ate, or what my meal consisted of…or if I ate at all. I was sick regardless. My body was so contaminated by unusable milk that I could not use sickness as a method for pinpointing a source.

By the Lord’s grace and protection, I made it through the end of my junior year in college. That is not to say I survived well: the sickness and fatigue continued to grow worse; I knew I would soon receive a friendly, official letter inviting me to sit out following semester. But I survived. “Now what?” was the hopeless question filling my mind.

Not long into summer vacation, I went home to visit with family. My younger sister and I ended my weekend visit in our traditional way: after church, we borrowed Mom’s car and spent a few hours together. Not eating had long since become a game I played with myself. (If I was going to feel sick regardless, I might as well feel sick in a manner of my own choosing.) So the first thing I ate that particular Sunday was a small Dairy Queen blizzard. Later, we snuck chocolate-covered blueberries into the movie theatre. And shortly after we reached the bookstore that afternoon, I became so ill that I doubted my ability to safely drive us both home. (I doubted my ability to even walk out of the public restroom.)

Realization finally dawned. The scales were removed, and I could see the self-inflicted cause of my sickness.

~ ~ ~

Remember that earlier point about the body craving anything it cannot process? When that intake is cut off, the result is a mild form of delirium tremens. I cut myself off from dairy. For days, my body threw a tantrum. It wanted dairy NOW! Never before had I needed a piece of cheese, a slice of bread, a chocolate candy bar so desperately. I have the privilege of repeating this experience every time I ingest milk in any form. If I fail to read the ingredients on a package of chips, or a bottle of seasoning…if I fail to ask a server or neighbor enough questions about ingredients and preparation…I often pay for it dearly. The effects begin within two hours and last for up to one month. And even though I am miserable during that month, my cravings for dairy are strong. Like Paul, there are many times when “I don’t understand my own behavior—I don’t do what I want to do; instead, I do the very thing I hate!” (Rom. 7:15).

Even if I haven’t made a mistake, even when I am careful, there are moments when I am sorely tempted to eat something I shouldn’t. The warm smell of fresh bread…the fragrance or sight of chocolate…the remembered flavor of alfredo sauce…sometimes only the severity of the long-term effects protect me from my short-term weakness. Thank God for being generous enough to give us negative consequences!

Someone once told me, “Purity is not a line—it is a direction.” The same can be said of withdrawal. I will always be in a process of withdrawing from dairy. In this life I will not reach a line that indicates I am fully freed from temptation or desire. Withdrawal is not a line—it is a direction, a never-ending process.

That which is true of a dairy allergy is true of sin. I will always be walking away. I will not reach the finish line indicative of Freedom until my Lord calls me home. And there will continue to be moments of failure. This is a fight. Choices, opportunities, temptations constantly bombard me. I will always be in the process of withdrawing from myself, and from this world. In a very real sense, Withdrawal is the retrospective face of Purity: they are two sides of the same coin. I am called to walk away from myself and toward my Lord.

My dear reader, let’s keep walking into Freedom together!


That Which the Locust Has Eaten

“I will restore to you the years that the locusts ate,

the grasshoppers, shearer-worms and cutter-worms,

my great army that I sent against you.

You will eat until you are satisfied

and will praise the name of Adonai your God

who has done with you such wonders.

Then my people will never again be shamed.

You will know that I am with Isra’el

and that I am Adonai your God,

and that there is no other.

Then my people will never again be shamed.”

At that time, whoever calls

on the name of Adonai will be saved.

For in Mount Tziyon and Yerushalayim

there will be those who escape,

as Adonai has promised;

among the survivors will be those

whom Adonai has called.

Joel 2:25-27, 32


So...About the Post...

Life does such a sweet and lovely job of being complex!

I arrived at work Thursday afternoon to discover that I'd unexpectedly been given quite a few additional work hours through this weekend. I'm grateful for God's provision of paychecks!

These extra days of work also afforded me the rare privilege of overhearing many...umm...shall we say "enlightening" conversations between my coworkers regarding their fellow employees. Much of it I would prefer not to know and will not repeat here. (There is one great quote I can relate, though: "I'm a skinny girl at heart. But the fat girl in me keeps eating her." Since my coworker was teasing about herself, I don't feel bad sharing the chuckle with you. ^_^) As a result of overheard gossip, I now have greater reason to battle my human tendency toward judgemental stereotyping. I want to be friendly and compassionate towards the individuals I heard being discussed--just as friendly as I sought to be before hearing tales about them. It's nice that the Lord would provide me with the incentive I need to be intentional!

I woke up Thursday morning with a bite of some sort on my right forearm. I still thought little of it on Friday morning, when it was more swollen. By Saturday morning, a long red streak had spread up my arm. By Sunday morning, the red had expanded even more...and my right hand felt funny. I left work before the end of my first shift (and someone graciously offered to cover my evening shift) so that I could pay (and I do mean "pay") a visit to the local MedCheck. Apparently, I'm having a very strong allergic reaction to whatever bit me. At this moment I'm doped up on something stronger than Benedryl and a topical steroid. (I really should be in bed right now, but I'm stupid. ^_~) But there are at least two cool things about this bizarre incident: First of all, I'm dealing with an allergic reaction, not an infection. No one will have to carve up my arm! Second of all, I have no clue what bit me. For all I know, it could have been something poisonous and the Lord is miraculously protecting me. (By the same token, I could also have suddenly developed an extreme reaction to chiggers...)

I wonder what will happen when I reach Heaven. I bet I will be absolutely stunned to finally see what amazing purpose the Lord has for all of these seemingly insignificant and/or inconvenient happenings of my day-to-day lies. I want to remember that I am tremendously blessed to walk through each day by his side. What a lavish gift!

I truly am going to post my testimony. To avoid making any more false promises, I'll venture to say that the first post will be up by the end of this week. I'm sorry for the wait. Thanks for your patience!


To Be Continued

I love when a pastor, professor, friend, or my Lord forces me to examine something big and complex! But I dislike sharing an idea until I'd managed to complete my wrestling match with it. I don't believe this is a case of pride; rather, it's a case of caution and humility. As your sister in Christ, I want to offer you the best I have at this point in time. I would not be serving you well otherwise.
I don't know about you, but I really like what the Lord has been teaching me through "Deaf and Dumb." There's so much I want to share! I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts, too. However, I think this series is something I will have to discontinue for the moment and pick up later. I get the feeling there's more He needs to teach me before I can articulate this piece well for you. I am certain that the two part I have already shared needed to be presented at this time, though. So just let the Lord's questions grow in your heart, dear reader. Let's both spend some time seeking Him on this issue before we come back together to discuss it further. I'll be praying for you.

In the mean time, I will begin sharing my testimony with you. Once again, I woud greatly appreciate your prayers: for me as I write, and for you as you read.


Resting in the Lord...


I am praying that He will provide each of you with solace and joy.


Deaf and Dumb--Part 2

My omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent Lord must be either a myth or a relic of the past…such a notion only comes from a fallen world, from broken hearts. All the same, I am grateful to such outspoken thinkers as Philip Pullman.

My dear reader, please reexamine the excerpts quoted earlier. Read them aloud. Speak the words as if these are your own thoughts.

Is it only those who have not surrendered their hearts to the Most High who question the immutability of his nature and authority? Am I Above Reproach? If I can brave the terror of my own heart and mind, I risk discovering that I hold much the same perspective toward God: I, a believer, also face the temptation of presuming God has changed, has lessened.

I decided that I should give you some time to explore this idea with the Lord before we proceed. I look forward to discussing specific areas in which I personally wrestle with this tendency. And I look forward to hearing your thoughts and/or struggles, as well! Much love and many prayers, dear reader.


Deaf and Dumb--Part 1

In February, I learned of a recent ad campaign. Funded by individual sponsors, the Atheist Bus Campaign utilized tube stations and buses to spread an important message across the British Isles: “There’s probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life.” (A Slice of Infinity, 2/4/09)

Philip Pullman utilizes the well-crafted fantasy world of the His Dark Materials trilogy (including The Golden Compass, The Subtle Knife, and The Amber Spyglass) to gradually put forth some similarly disturbing thoughts. Mary Malone, one of the characters from The Amber Spyglass, offers Pullman’s young hero and heroine an expanded version of the Atheist Bus Campaign’s ideology:
“I used to be a nun, you see. I thought physics could be done to the glory of God, till I saw there wasn’t any God at all and that physics was more interesting anyway. The Christian religion is a very powerful and convincing mistake, that’s all….I thought, ‘Will anyone be better off if I go straight back to [my room] and say my prayers and confess to the priest and promise never to fall into temptation again? Will anyone be the better for making me miserable?’ And the answer came back—no. No one will. There’s no one to fret, no one to condemn, no one to bless me for being a good girl, no one to punish me for being wicked. Heaven is empty. I didn’t know whether God had died, or whether there had never been a God at all” (chap 33).

The heart of Pullman’s own particular message begins to surface as one enters the final third of The Amber Spyglass:
“Well, where is God,” said Mrs. Coulter, “if he’s alive? And why doesn’t he speak anymore? At the beginning of the world, God walked in the Garden and spoke with Adam and Eve. Then he began to withdraw, and he forbade Moses to look at his face. Later, in the time of Daniel, he was aged—he was the Ancient of Days. Where is he now? Is he still alive, as some inconceivable age, decrepit and demented, unable to think or act or speak and unable to die, a rotten hulk? And if that is his condition, wouldn’t it be the most merciful thing, the truest proof of our love for God, to seek him out and give him the gift of death?” (chap 24).

Later, the adolescent heroine and hero of Pullman’s trilogy demonstrate that merciful love of which Mrs. Coulter speaks. They stumble upon a heavenly being, an ancient personage of “terrifying decrepitude, of a face sunken in wrinkles, of trembling hands, and of a mumbling mouth and rheumy eyes,” captive within a crystal carrier or litter (chap 30). Moved by the plight of such a pathetic figure, the children free him from the crystal encasement. This pitiful being, no longer capable of speech or thought, “would have followed them anywhere, having no will of his own, and responding to simple kindness like a flower to the sun” (chap 31). But once exposed to the open air, his wizened body cannot withstand the wind’s pull. He begins to dissolve before the children’s eyes; and “their last impression was of those eyes, blinking in wonder, and a sigh of the most profound and exhausted relief” (chap 31). A girl and a boy unwittingly perform the greatest act of kindness humanity can offer: releasing God from his long, enfeebled toil.

Pullman adds further layers to this idea throughout the His Dark Materials trilogy, but the implication is clear: God is hostage to our persistent and unwarranted need of him. No longer essential, the Creator remains trapped in our selfish ignorance.

The pendulum of thought swings back to the Clockmaker Theory, this time with a flavor of moral relativism. If I wish to believe in the existence of God, that’s fine. It’s even possible that there was a God. He may have been instrumental in setting up the world; he may have involved himself with humanity for a time. But he is no longer evident. The God we continue to hold captive to the whims of our own pathetic need is dreadfully advanced in years. He no longer possesses the ability to communicate or direct. He is mute. Speechless. Dumb.

But that’s all right: God is no longer necessary. The cogs and gears work just fine on their own. So why bother God (assuming he ever existed, assuming he exists still)? “There’s probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life.” In essence: “Thanks for the jumpstart, God…if you actually gave us one. But you’re free to go now. We’ll take it from here.” How sad. How arrogant. How frightening.

On behalf of the thousands and millions who will be affected by such a message, I am enraged. “Better to have a millstone hung around your neck and be cast into the sea” than to actively promote such lies. I also find myself sincerely mourning for Mr. Pullman and the sponsors of the Atheist Bus Campaign. My heart breaks under the knowledge that anyone would cling to the hopeless hope of this three-dimensional world. To borrow the imagery of C.S. Lewis, we forge “little scratches in the crust” of Truth, and satisfy ourselves with the lifeless knowledge to be found in our wealth of “dead gold, dead silver, dead gems” (The Silver Chair, chap. 14).

This is the first of what will be at least two or three installments. Where do you think our examination will turn next? And aside from conjectures about the direction of my thoughts, dear reader, what are your own thoughts at this point?