
I have a request to make of you

It's been too long since the last time I helped serve for a wedding. Back when I worked for this catering company every weekend, my system was perfect. I knew exactly when to disappear. At precisely the right moment, I'd find work that kept me out of sight and earshot of the wedding festivities. But it's been too long; I'm out of practice. So when I helped serve a wedding this evening I had to witness the father/daughter dance. Unfortunately, the DJ this family hired was really good: he didn't waste his most emotionally charged moment on a mediocre song.

My sister and I both made an effort--the most recent in a long series of attempts--to connect with our father this week. We both deliberately skirted the issue of Father's Day; this holiday has been a source of much pain in the past. Surprisingly, our father responded to both of us this time. The eventual results may be quite mixed; our emotions certainly are mixed already.

I am indescribably grateful that my Lord insists upon healing me. I enjoy this chance to once again lean heavily upon him in my petty weakness. His love crashes over me in waves...even as the undertow of bitterness grasps at my ankles. It is impossible to ever adore the Lover of my soul enough.

But in my present weakness, I would like to make a request of you, dear reader. If the Lord directs you to do so, please pray for me. I am honored that we can be part of the same Body, through Jesus Christ. And I am continuing my prayers for you, as well.


Barb said...

I am praying.

not4myself said...

Thank you, my dear friend!

Anonymous said...

Funny thing, I woke up praying for you in the night, even though I don't really know you. (We've met once, at graduation, but you probably don't remember.) And then I got online and read this post. Struck me as odd, y'know?
Um...can we talk sometime? Kaylee actually suggested it, so it is okay and safe by her..my email is alisha.kay.10@gmail.com if you are okay with that. I wanted to ask you something..

not4myself said...

Thank you so very much for your prayers! We serve such an amazing God!

And yes, I do remember you. ^_^

I am perfectly willing to meet. Due to some extenuating circumstances, I'll let you and your friend determine which is more secure: calling me or emailing me. (She knows my public contact information for both of those.) So just give me a ring or drop me aline, okay?

And thank you again for your prayers. I've been praying for you, too.

Anonymous said...

Since you're tossing around prayers...I could use about a boat load right now... ...if you wanted to know I guess....

not4myself said...

Thank you for letting me know. You are always in my prayers, dear friend. I'm trusting in our Lord's protection and guidance for you.