
The Mirror

“The words of Adonai are pure words,
silver in a melting-pot set in the earth,
refined and purified seven times over.”
Psalm 12:6

Now, the question is this: When I look into the white-heat of that pure silver, do I come in search of my own ephemeral reflection or the inscribed face of God? (James 1:22-25)

My Lord, please search my heart. Please search the heart of the person reading these words as well. Enable us to “keep speaking and acting like people who will be judged by a Torah which gives freedom” (James 2:12). Let us seek only Your face in Your words; and help us memorize and imitate the beauty of Your features.
I am slowly putting together the next installment of That Which the Locust Has Eaten. (At this moment, my struggle is deciding which issue to address first. So I am currently still submitting this installment to the Lord, seeking His wisdom.) Thank you again for your patience and your prayers. Please let me know how to better pray for you, as well.

In the meantime, I would love to hear what the Lord is speaking to your heart right now. What topics or passages of scripture are being highlighted in your life, in your conversations with Jesus?

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