As a friend of mine phrased it earlier today: "God never wastes a hurt." Just in case you haven’t guessed, dear reader, this is really the heart of the matter. This is the underlying theme of my testimony.
I am grateful for so many of the hurts I have received. Painful words or actions from others, ideals and character traits that were fostered in a warped fashion--sources of pain for myself and those around me--become such blessings as the Lord begins to straighten them, reshape them. I have the great honor of witnessing the miraculous transformation of my own wounds and scars into gorgeous, purposeful designs under the skillful hands of the Most High. Moreover, I have the far greater joy of occasionally seeing Him do the same in the lives of others; sometimes I even catch a glimpse of the artwork He is crafting out of damage that I myself inflicted on someone. In so many ways, the Creator and Lover of my soul demonstrates to me that He “never wastes a hurt.” And while going out of His way to make this clear to me, He grants me the privilege of praising Him... What a loving God we serve!
I’m sure many of you already find weekly reminders from the One who loves you best—little gifts of encouragement and joy to reinforce the truth that He never wastes a hurt in your life. But let’s not simply wait for Him to remind us, my friend. Let’s actively praise Him together!
So please, please share with me: what hurts in your life is the Lord clearly not wasting? It can be something large or small; you can give specifics or stick with generalities; and multiple examples are perfectly fine. Let’s worship our beautiful God as a Body!
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