A friend of mine once posed the question: “Do you think there will be shadows in Heaven?” Light and darkness are such clear-cut metaphors of Good and Evil. Can God, as the source of light, redeem physical darkness? Could there possibly be “good shadows” in Heaven?
I recall my friend’s question every now and then as I explore scripture. Particularly any passage that describes us being protected in the shadow of God’s wings (Ps. 17:8; 36:7; 57:1; 63:7).
What does it mean to be in the shadow of God’s wing? What would a good shadow look like?
I think it would look a great deal like Moses jammed in the cleft of a rock with God’s hand blocking shut the rift, while the Lord’s glory passed by (Ex. 33:17-23; 34:5-7). When we beg God to draw near and show us His glory, and it feels as though He increases the distance. When we long to behold the light of His presence, and He seems to give us darkness instead. These are good shadows. The shadows of God's wing: Someplace small…constrained. Someplace with no detectable updraft; someplace in which we are seemingly alone, shut away from the wind currents of the Holy Spirit.
Someplace protected.
I would like to think that there will be good shadows when we reach Heaven—if only to testify that God’s creation in its entirety is Good. We can not yet know what sights await us there. But I am absolutely certain that good shadows exist in this present life. Moses would not have survived the sight of the Lord’s face. A brief glimpse of His receding glory and the whispered utterance of His holy name was enough to leave Moses glowing like molten metal. We are not yet ready to navigate the unbridled winds of His spirit. The force of such wild currents would crush us. So God protects us. He carefully instills the strength and humility to withstand his intense presence and pure name; He gradually prepares us for the true glories of soaring in His updrafts.
And all the while He guards us in the dark stillness underneath His wing.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 266 of 266Yes. Today was better in some respects. ^_^ God is always Good, my friend. Thank you for your tender heart. *-*
How are you doing?
If you're struggling with fatigue and loneliness, just hang in there. Try to interpret moments of solitude as invitations from the Lord to spend time with Him. He loves you enough to get "pushy" about having a date, you know. ^_^
I'm not going to bed Jj!
God doesn't love me Jj. He loves what I can do for Him.
Dear heart, you don't have to believe all these lies. <3 I know things probably seem futile and empty right now, but it's absolutely not true.
Hang in there, my friend. Okay? Dont shut yourself away, thinking it will help solve the problems. <3 Jj
Okay, I'm going to bed now, cause I'm really tired and I think I'm fuzzy. I think today made me tired and Sparky made me in pain all day so it made tired. Thank you Jj for everything. I love you lots. I'm gonna go to bed now.
Goodnight, Imoutochan. I'm praying for you. <3 Jj
(And I still want to hear about your good encounter, okay?)
My good encounter? If you're referring to what I think you are the manitee and I realized how valuable communication is. And... we both realized that the other didn't want to talk them. And we both realized we both thought we were getting replaced by another friend. Panda was replacing her and Bunny was replacing me and we both had to tell the other what a lie that was. So, we combated all the lies that we had been facing and realized that both of us do indeed want to have our relationship back. So, I think we will be just fine. ^_^ God showed up and met with us. Communication is definitely a good thing. She thought I didn't want to tell her anything and I thought she didn't want to know. But I did want to tell her stuff and she did want to know. Yeah... I think you would have laughed a lot at us. Panda sure did later. :) I'm happy.
I would be even happier if I hadn't gotten woken up after an hour and a half nap. Now I'm just tired and not sleepy, but the train will hit me just in time to go to school. If you could Jj, I'm in tons of pain (all last night through now) and have no idea what is going on. I thought it might have been sparky, but I was wrong. I need some serious prayer, because the pain is the same amount as the one time I ended up in the ER. And I am praying for you as well Jj. I love you. God is good.
Jj, am I saved?
Maybe God let today be a bad day so that we would talk...
You ever have a cist burst? Panda has and went to the ER too. That's what it feels like, except it can't be that I don't think. Can that happen whenever?
Well... I will probably be on whenever you wake up... sitting up helps lessen the pain. =/ What else could it be?
Ugh... so tired -.- ZZZzzz and so blind and so much pain. I read a bunch in the Psalms, but I can't read it anymore and I'm in too much pain. I'm allergic to something new. I have itching fits almost every day now and my mouth is still broke out. =/
^_^ I'm so very happy to hear that good news! (And at the risk of saying "I told ya so"...well, I really did tell both of you. When giving advice and encouragemnt didn't work, I just shut up and prayed. ^_^ Yes, Imoutochan, God is very good.)
I don't know if I can verify your salvation for you, dear heart. But I CAN verify that the fruit of the Spirit is evident in your life. Therefore, my inclination would be to say: yes, Imoutochan, you are saved.
:-( I'm sorry for how badly you're hurting, my friend. Have things gotten any better in the past few hours? I'm praying for you. <3
Yeah yeah yeah... :)
Just curious your take on the matter...
No. >.<
*strawberry giggle*
No problem. You're always welcome to ask questions. Do you remember what prompted you to ask that question? I'd love to hear what's on your mind.
:-( I'm sorry, Imoutochan.
You're in my prayers tonight, dear heart. <3 Jj
A lot of times Sparky tries to get me to beleive I'm not saved. That's about it and this was post-sparky and I was just curious your take on it.
Thank you Jj. <3 I needed them lots. I love you lots too. :D It's so pretty outside! The first real snow of the year (for us up north)! I like God. He makes everything pretty. *-*
Ah, I see. Well, just keep telling sparky where to shove his lies. ^_^
Naw, my sissy did. He hasn't been around yet. :)
You're most welcome, my friend. And yes! it is beautiful! If I'm no longer sick, I predict snow angels tomorrow! ^_^
How are you doing today, my friend?
Sick sick or dairy sick? :(
I am tired and exhausted, but I'm good. The med they gave me is helping a lot. I promised Panda I would take a nap today or try at least. But yeah, I'm good. Me and God are okay. I think I'm almost to the 60th Psalm now. :) (not having read any like reading through the book since I finished the first book.) The snow makes me happy. And, I'm thrilled beyond beleif that it's break! O.o :) And Sparky hasn't bothered me since Thursday.
(Just germ-sick, not dairy-sick. Still, that might restrict the amount of galavanting around I considered doing in the next couple of days...) :-(
Yay for Psalms! Yay for medicine and snow! Double Yay for freedom from oppression! ^_^ Thank you, Lord Jesus. *-*
Aww... I sowy Jj. :'(
^_^ Yup.
So, you staying in with some of your hot cocoa and snuggling under some blankies? Did your sister make it up?
No hot cocoa yet; but plenty of hot tea. ^_^ Hot cocoa comes later. (First, I'm going to go watch the falling snow until I drift off to sleep. After that I will happily flood my system with some caffeine.)
Yes, she did. She's been enjoying my sleep-inducing kitties and couch all day. *laugh* We'll probably reach the point of actual conversation sometime in the next 24 hours.
(The wolf says hello, by the way.) ^_^
Why are you being off ill health going to drink lots of caffeine?! O.o
Tell her I say hi back. :)
Well, it's just that hot cocoa necessitates the ingestion of caffeine. So the caffeine isn't really my goal...just a bonus. ^_~
(I will convey your hello. ^_^)
How can I be praying with you this evening, my friend? <3 Jj
Hmm... pretty much just that the pain would stay down.
Are you guys going to the Ducky's house tomorrow?
How can I pray for you? (even though you know I'm super bad at it...) What have you two munchkins been up to this evening?
Hehehe... I love my Spirit Dude. ^_^ He's pretty awesome.
I'd love prayer that I start feeling better soon. (At this very moment I'm defying direct orders to go straight to bed.) There are some people I'd really like to see in the next couple of days...but I don't want to make anyone ill. So I would really appreciate prayer for that. Thank you, Imoutochan. *-*
I'm certainly praying for your physical pain. I'm also praying that you succeed in resting before the Lord tonight--preferably in sleep, but even if you remain awake. <3
^_^ Yes! The Holy Spirit sure is wonderful!
I just love it when Satan tries to get at me through people. I was doing pretty bad after she sent me the second message I foud after church, but I prayed Sparky away. Bad moods happen when it's certain days *cough cough* and when he is around, but I was smart enough to get rid of him. You know what she told me tonight just baffels me. How can you know someone from someone else's gossip? I feel sorry for her, my word.
:-( Hang in there, dear heart. I"m very proud of you! ^_^
Relationships can be so painful...but thankfully the Lord is Good, not only to the other individuals but also to us in our own hang-ups. *-* What a gracious Lord.
I'm praying for you tonight, my friend. Good night. <3 Jj
Jj... 10:15 is not 9:30, neither is it 10. But I trust you Jj that you tried. ;) I hope today didn't make you die. 8( Hopefully you get some good rest and just maybe accedentally sleep in too long. :) *pat on the head* And in the morning take extra vitamins and eat breakfast! Drink lots of water too. Oh! And no strenious activity, like cutting potatoes. *mumble...mutter...some people are so stubborn...mumble*
I just didn't respond. There is nothing I would ever be able to tell her that would make her think any differently. She can't think for herself, unfortunately. (And I don't say that in a derogitory manner, just as an explaination) =/ I'm not even mad at her. It's hard not to lose hope when you see how good Satan is. Wow. But I know God has it all under control and He will not be mocked and his servant will not be put to shame. You know you're doing the right thing, besides the fact that if God tells you, if 1) Satan keeps attacking you and 2) not everyone likes you. I went from having no one that really didn't like to me to a hand full. Jj, am I doing this right? I mean, I know I am, but hearing it from someone else you trust helps a lot too. Why does Satan want me so bad?
"The blind I will lead on a road they don't know,
on roads they don't know I will lead them;
I will turn darkness to light before them,
and straighten their twisted paths....
Who is as blind as my servant,
or as deaf as the messenger I send?
Who is as blind as the one I rewarded,
as blind as the servant of Adonai?"
(Isaiah 42:16, 19)
When the Most High God begins to invest us with true Blindness, making us more like His own perfect Son, we begin to truly see and hear. And sometimes i is painful to watch and hear others through these new eyes and ears, isn't it?
Imoutochan, you are now facing opposition in ways you did not experience any before. Opposition always accompanies Blindness. The enemy wants, more than anything, to separate us from our heritage as God's children; Satan does not want us to see and hear. I do not think any of us will ever manage to "do this right" in the sense that we will see or hear perfectly within the flawed filter of this world, Imoutochan. But I can assure that you are *seeking* to do this right--you are seeking Blindness. And that, dear heart, makes all the difference. So don't fret. Just keep pressing in. And yes, you will continue to face opposition; but you've got the right attitude: count it all joy. ^_^ I'm proud of you, my friend.
(I'm drinking water right now. And I promise to stay away from the potatoes. ^_~ Thank you, Imoutochan. *-*)
Thank you Jj. :)
You're welcome, my friend. Always a joy to battle alongside you.
I hope you have a wonderful day!
So, what you're saying is this new way(s) of oppisition is because the Lord is making me more blind in the sense of being able to see with His eyes and not mine? What makes this kind of oppisition different than what I was experiencing before? (Like, does this Sparky have a new/different purpose now?) And yes, it hurts a lot. :(
Are you feeling any better Jj?
When you refer to what you "experienced before" could you give me a timeframe for that, so I can better understand what you mean, please?
*-* Yes, I'm feeling better, thank you. And today was a pretty nice day, too. ^_^
Like this summer up until about 2 months ago. I don't know, maybe it's not any different...
Sometimes the enemy encourages us to isolate ourselves; sometimes he encourages us to join the crowd. He may try to convince us that we don't like other people, or tell us that other people do not like us. Satan is creative: he tries many different tactics and armaments in his efforts to incapacitate believers. Regardless of the specific weapon with which he attacks us at a given moment, the spiritual opposition always intensifies when we actively seek to see as the Lord sees, to hear His voice.
From everything you've shared here, I would say that this summer--and even last spring--fall under the heading of opposition. The Lord has been Blinding you for a while now, Imoutochan. I know the attacks are painful--especially when the enemy manages to foment animosity. Just stand firm, my friend. Do not become rude, hardened, or bitter; just keep taking your wounds to the One who loves you best and protects you always. <3 Jj
Isaiah 59:15b "he who leaves evil becomes a target"
You can pray for my mommy today Jj. She has to have an EMG and she is about the wimpiest woman I know. So she can use as many prayers as she can get.
Okay Jj. I do my best.
What's your favorite Christmas song?
You know... Mr. Piggy is a little more chubby than I remembered...
I've been keeping her in my prayers. I hope everything is okay.
^_^ I know you will.
My favorite Christmas song? Umm...well, I really love Silent Night and Joy to the World.
o.O I'm not sure I understand the reference to Mr. Piggy
Hehe... Joy to the World is my favorite. ^_^
There wasn't one. He was cuddling with me and it was just an observation. My stuffed animals are so cute. :D
^_^ Okay. I think it's safe to say that you're silly, my friend.
Have a wonderful day, and a Merry Christmas. I'll check in two or three times perhaps in the next four days. <3 Jj
Sigh... everyone's leaving me. =/ I hope you have a good Christmas too Jj.
This is my favorite though: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0haVO07qOI Joy to the World has been my "always favorite."
I know… It hurts so bad to watch and then twice as much even to only do good for someone and get attacked regardless. What God must feel everyday… man. It makes me sick just to think about it. Pretty good incentive to do the right thing though huh… =/
Yes, we serve an imcomparably graceous, merciful Lord, don't we? Keep fighting the good fight, my friend. I'm praying for you today. <3 Jj
^_^ I'll make a point of listening to that one on one of my "internet excursions" in the next few days.
Ooh! I just listened to the song. That's a beautiful rendition! Thank you for sharing.
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