
Let's Talk

My favourite part of reading books and watching movies is the conversations that result from them. More recently I've become conscious of just how ingorant I am: there is much that influences my behaviours and ideas beyond what I feel comfortable acknowledging. I'm sure you are in the same position.

The goal of this forum is to learn about God, others, and ourselves. There are so many ideas surrounding and influencing our lives about which we are largely clueless; I guess it all renders down to the question of whether we are content living and interacting with others (cousins, neighbors, nieces, grandsons) all the while remaining in that ignorance. If you are happy squinting into a clouded mirror, then please feel free to do so. But if you would love to one day see clearly, face-to-face, then please join me in this search; add your questions and ponderings to the mix!

No one sees clearly: we are human, and therefore fallible. But perhaps simply by agreeing on that point, we can have the joint privilege of being used to bring focus and clarity where we individually had blind spots.

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