Ralph and Imogene were there all right, only for once they didn’t come through the door pushing each other out of the way. They just stood there for a minute as if they weren’t sure they were in the right place—because of the candles, I guess, and the church being full of people. They looked like the people you see on the six o’clock news—refugees, sent to wait in some strange ugly place, with all their boxes and sacks around them.
It suddenly occurred to me that this was just the way it must have been for the real Holy Family, stuck away in a barn by people who didn’t much care what happened to them. They couldn’t have been very neat and tidy either, but more like this Mary and Joseph (Imogene’s veil was cockeyed as usual and Ralph’s hair stuck out all around his ears). Imogene had the baby doll but she wasn’t carrying it the way she was supposed to, cradled in her arms. She had it slung up over her shoulder, and before she put it in the manger she thumped it twice on the back.
I heard
I said, “I don’t see why not,” and I didn’t. He could have had colic, or been fussy, or hungry like any other baby. After all, that was the whole point of Jesus—that he didn’t come down on a cloud like something out of “Amazing Comics,” but that he was born and lived…a real person.
Next cam Gladys, from behind the angel choir, pushing people out of the way and stepping on everyone’s feet. Since Gladys was the only one in the pageant who had anything to say she made the most of it: “Hey! Unto you a child is born!” she hollered, as if it was, for sure, the best news in the world. And all the shepherds trembled, sore afraid—of Gladys, mainly, but it looked good anyway.
[Then] everybody in the audience shifted around to watch the Wise Men march up the aisle.
“What have they got?”
I didn’t know, but whatever it was, it was heavy—Leroy almost dropped it. He didn’t have his frankincense jar either, and Claude and Ollie didn’t have anything, although they were supposed to bring the gold and the myrrh.
“I knew this would happen,”
“Like what?”
“Like…a burnt offering. You know the Herdmans.”
Well, they did burn things, but they hadn’t burned this yet. It was a ham—and right away I knew where it came from. This was the Herdman’s food-basket ham. It still had the ribbon around it, saying Merry Christmas.
“I’ll bet they stole that!”
“They did not. It came from their food basket, and if they want to give away their own ham I guess they can do it.” But even if the Herdmans didn’t like ham (that was
“They’re ruining the whole thing!”
Usually, by the time we got to “Silent Night,” which was always the last carol, I was fed up with the whole thing and couldn’t wait for it to be over. But I didn’t feel that way this time. I almost wished for the pageant to go on, with the Herdmans in charge, to see what else they would do that was different.
Everyone sang “Silent Night,” including the audience. We sang all the verses too, and when we got to “Son of God, Love’s pure light” I happened to look at Imogene and I almost dropped my hymn book on a baby angel.
Everyone had been waiting all this time for the Herdmans to do something absolutely unexpected. And Sure enough, that was what happened.
Imogene Herdman was crying.
In the candlelight her face was all shiny with tears and she didn’t even bother to wipe them away. She just sat there—awful old Imogene—in her crookedy veil, crying and crying and crying.
For years, I’d thought about the wonder of Christmas, and the mystery of Jesus’ birth, and never understood it. But now, because of the Herdmans, it didn’t seem so mysterious after all.
When Imogene had asked me what the pageant was about, I told her it was about Jesus, but that was just part of it. It was about a new baby, and his mother and father who were in a lot of trouble—no money, no place to go, no doctor, nobody they knew. And then, arriving from the East (like my uncle from
But Imogene, I guess, didn’t see it that way. Christmas just came over her all at once, like a case of chills and fever. And so she was crying.
As far as I’m concerned, Mary is always going to look a lot like Imogene Herdman—sort of nervous and bewildered, but ready to clobber anyone who laid a hand on her baby. And the Wise Men are always going to be Leroy and his brothers, bearing ham.
When we came out of the church that night it was cold and clear, with crunchy snow underfoot and bright, bright stars overhead. and I thought about the Angel of the Lord—Gladys, with her skinny legs and her dirty sneakers sticking out from under her robe, yelling at all of us, everywhere:
“Hey! Unto you a child is born!”
(The Best Christmas Pageant Ever; chapter 7, abridged)
~ ~ ~
Thank you so very much for the gift of sharing this space with me. I count it a privilege to walk with you, and an honor that you contribute your time and thoughts. My goodness, friends, it has been quite a year… I don’t know about every one of you, but I can safely say that Jesus has been refining me with a vengeance these twelve months. So many reasons to praise my Lord and Lover! My year was a journey of heartbreak…of farewells and hellos…belly laughs (the kind that leave your eyes watering and your muscles sore)…painful obedience…joy…of desperate tears and determined worship…bubbles…coloring parties…ping pong…of grace and marvelous provision. And all of this becomes part of the beautiful, quirky, upside-down, perfect pageant the God is putting on to display His eternal Glory.
So, my friends, I will wish you a Merry Christmas; but I do not ask you to celebrate “The True Meaning Of Christmas.” Goodness no! That would be silly!
I want you to celebrate much more than that.
“After all, that was the whole point of Jesus—that he didn’t come down on a cloud like something out of 'Amazing Comics,' but that he was born and lived…a real person.” The child narrator of The Best Christmas Pageant Ever is on the right track: Jesus’ birth is only part of what we commemorate with Christmas. The Son of God never sought to glorify himself, but instead to draw our gaze to the Most High God. And just as our Lord’s arrival on this earth is a part of the whole holiday, Christmas itself is only part of the whole.
I want you to celebrate so much more than Christmas.
Christmas—the events of which spanned nearly two years in actuality—is one of countless examples (Unquestionably vital! But still “one of,” not even the penultimate) which draw our gaze toward, and demand our worship of, the One and Only Lord God. Christmas would be meaningless without the thirty years of quiet, obedient, private ministry and the final three years of adamant but unassuming public ministry—all without sinning. Christmas holds little significance without the willing, tortured death of an innocent man atoning the guilt for all humanity past and future…and his triumphant resurrection three days later. Christmas is augmented by his forty-plus days of continued teaching afterwards (such a beautiful affirmation that he is indeed Emmanuel “God With Us”) before returning to his Home in power and glory. The Son’s entire earthly ministry pointed to the Father, as God unfolded the climax of His divine pageant over the course of roughly thirty-three years.
But that’s just the climax. I want us to celebrate so much more than the climax.
The whole Jesus’ earthly ministry serves as the fulfillment and the promise within the grand epic of Time. Thirty-three years preceded by millennia of God’s glory: The creation of this world and mankind. Our unified relationship with the Creator, the Source of Life. Our choice to sin and consequent separation from the Source of Life. The Lord’s gracious promise of reconciliation. And long, generations of deliberate, painful groundwork to gradually prepare humanity for the arrival and sacrifice of a Savior—the double fulfillment of a holy promise by One who is holy, and the presentation of a new promise.
Time continues to unfold. Thirty-three years succeeded by millennia of God’s glory: Continued generations of gathered understanding. Furthering of the larger, corporate relationship—with each other as redeemed brothers and sisters, and with our holy God through the intermediary of His Son by way of the Holy Spirit. The deliberate, painful groundwork continues, preparing humanity for the fulfillment of that last promise.
God’s pageant continues. The play is not played out. And we, as players on this stage, are commanded and privileged to participate in this grand epic of Time created by the Most High to display His glory. But even when this epic ends, the pageant will continue. Into all eternity. Because God will never run out of glory to display.
We are witnesses and participants of more than this epic, more than Time. We need to celebrate much more than that.
Thank you for participating in this pageant with me, dear friends. Let's give the best, most authentic performances we can! “Hey! Unto you a child is born!”
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 295 of 295And I am the second rate kid of the family. I was adopted by Abraham, I'm not blood. I wasn't chosen, like his precious jews. I'm just a tool to him.
Oh, goodness! NO, we don't have a single thing under control! ^_^ That's a very scary thought...
And the Lord does not "dump" anyone, my friend. You are not a burden He's grown tired of and foisted off on other human beings. I can't necessarily say something that will ease your troubled heart tonight, my friend. But I do promise you that I've known the Lord to be silent in my own life as well. And once I have the opportunity to look back later, I discover that He did an awful lot of teaching and directing, even when I heard no words at all. Can you at least believe me on this one?
Jj, I don't know if I can or not. I'm pretty dang angry at God right now and if he doesn't give me something I'm about to lose my faith all together. You said to ask him why he loved me and he would answer. Well, he apparently doesn't. And I don't blame him when he leaves me anyway, if he hasn't already.
Don't believe that lie, dear heart. You are not second-rate. And He has not abandoned you. I know I cannot prove that to you right now, but it's true nonetheless. Just hang in there. I know it's excruciating on several levels; but just keep hanging on. You're neither alone nor forgotten. I promise.
I will certainly tell her. But believe me, your friends already know you feel terrible, and keep that in mind. No one is going to be mad with you, okay? You are loved, dear one.
No Jj, you don't understand. I am really really sick. Like not normal sick. But thanks for telling her.
Thanks for your time and love and forgiveness Jj. Night.
You aren't stupid, Imoutochan. You're exhausted and beleaguered and wounded. Don't condemn yourself for not being perfect. At the same time, remembering that you're sick, tired, and in tremendous pain, please don't condemn God for being perfect. We cannot begin to understand Him right now. But when you're angry, just keep talking to Him about it. Don't be afraid that He will reject you. Do not fear that you might confront the Lord only to discover that He is a powerless phantom. ^_^ You won't be disappointed in the end, dear heart. I know it seems hopeless and endless...but just hang in there. Okay? Let's just hang in there. <3 Jj
Okay, thank you for letting me know that. I'm worried about you, and I'll keep praying.
I'll do my best.
Thanks, I need them. :P
^_^ I know you will!
:-( I know you do. Goodnight, my friend.
Goodnight Jj. Sleep well.
Galatians 3:6-8
Luke 3:8 [consider in conjunction with 19:40]
You continue in my prayers today, dear heart. <3 Jj
That doesn't mean God favors us the same as them.
And I'm not sure what the Luke passaged are talking about.
No, it doesn't. But it does mean that being born in the lineage of Abraham is not the only criteria for God's favor.
I just like the thought that WE are those stones crying out--the stones turned into descendants of Abraham. ^_^
I've been working almost all day today; and I work all day tomorrow. But after that, I truly do intend to read through all of Romans. I really do want to discuss this with you more thoroughly...I'll just need some time to read first. <3 (Guess this means you're smarter and quicker than me, eh? ^_~ )
(I'm not sure how that even works... 9_9) We can talk about it Wednesday.
How are you doing, Imoutochan?
Mmm... not quite as angry, but still not good. I'm trying really hard.
^_^ I know you are. I'm very proud of you for sticking it out, dear heart. I'm sure I cannot begin to understand just what you're experiencing right now.
Jj, what have I done wrong? What sin have I committed to bring this on me?
What does it mean to fear God? No one has ever been able to tell me so that I can understand and know if I have it.
Sin? Who says you've committed some particular sin?
Either God is allowing all this or I have committed sin. Either I am lacking in faith and am unjustly asking God questions because of it or I am not lacking in faith, because faith is not mine to earn and out of God's grace he is giving it to me. A friend sent me a message tonight saying that we need to strengthen my faith sheild so that satan does not come back for good. But who is man that he can find faith or earn it? Or wisdom or understanding? These are for God to give. I have asked for these things. I should have no fault on me for not having enough to resist the demons.
Did I say something wrong?
"As Jesus passed along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, 'Rabbi, who sinned--this man or his parents--to cause him to be born blind?' Jesus answered, 'His blindness is due neither to his sin nor to that of his parents; it happened so that God's power might be seen at work in him.'" John 9:1-3
Imoutochan, I know you are familiar with Jacob--a second son who was far from perfect, yet chosen before his birth to belong to the Lord. Do you remember the meaning of the new name God gave Jacob? After Jacob's long, painful wrestling match with the Angel of the Lord (generally considered to be the pre-incarnation appearance of Jesus) Jacob was given a new name: Him Who Wrestles with God.
God IS allowing this situation, Imoutochan--whether you're carrying a specific sin or not. Facing oppression...facing silence...these do not equate to a lack of faith on your part. It takes a great deal of faith to ask questions of God! (Giving up would be so much easier in many ways, wouldn't it?) Most importantly, dear heart, Good does not shy away from questions.
He DOES supply the faith to keep asking--to refuse to let Him go until He gives us a blessing. ^_^ I know it does't seem like this is the case right now, my friend, but I promise you that He IS supplying faith. And He IS supplying the blessing. And wisdom. And understanding. And so much more. *hug* You are doing exactly what you are responsible for doing: you're continuing to ask. Just keep clinging, keep pressing in. Even when "pressing in" looks like telling the Lordthat you're furious with Him, scared, doubting, and lonely. Even when "clinging" strongly resembles crying and sweating and waiting. Keep wrestling with the One who loves you best and protects you always.
"What does it mean to fear God?" That's a wonderful question. May I please pray about that one for a day or two? I want to make sure I give you as complete a reply as possible.
Thanks Jj. That's what I needed to hear. I spent some time with God tonight. I didn't get all the answers or reasurence that I wanted, but just enough to get me what I need for the night. Tonight I read through the entire book of Job. (my word that is a long book...) I know God is good and faithful. I know he has not left me and that he is powerful. I feel bad though, he got mad at Job for questioning him. So we shouldn't question him. :(
Actually Jj, I don't really know much about Jacob. I don't really remember him. Maybe we should talk about him and you should remind me who he is when we get to talk.
Sometimes He supplies just enough bread and water for a single day. I'm very happy that you were able to meet with Him even a little. [happy tears]
I'll reread that passage, but I really don't think God was mad at Job. God wants us to ask questions--that's part of having a relationship. At the same time, we are broken. God answered Job's questions, Imoutochan; just as He will continue to answer yours. But when the holy, pure, complete God reveals Himself (only in part!) to a broken, incomplete human being, theglory and righteousness to which man is exposed in such an encounter is searing. Job received answers; it's simply that one aspect of those answers was a discovery of his own brokenness.
Does this make sense?
I guess so. So did Job sin?
^_^ Talking about Jacob is on the list of discussion topics. I promise. And I'm looking forward to it! <3 Jj
Yeah... I'm sorry. Thanks Jj. I love you. Night.
Not initially (as in sin being te cause of his experiences). But I think Job struggled with self-pity. We should talk about it later.
Frankly Jj, I would like to see anyone try undergoing stuff like he did and not struggle with some sort of it. Like God said at the start, Job was one of the finest upright men of all. If even a man like Job struggled with it, is it all the avoidable? Can we skirt around it completely?
Oh, I absolutely agree with you. We'll never be capable of meeting trials in an unbent manner; we're too broken for that. But you asked if Job sinned. My answer would be yes, his human nature tripped himup in a couple of ways. But maybe that's exactly what God wanted to show Job: one or two of his remaining stumbling blocks.
^_^ I'm very glad He continues being generous enough to reveal mine to me.
I'm praying for you tonight, my friend. Rest inthe arms of the Lord as He shows you more about Himself and more about you. <3 Jj
You were supposed to be in bed! That was a question for later! -_-
Woops. ^_~ Well, I'm not very good about minding, you know. Even cute, bossy li'l sisters have trouble keeping me in line.
How is your week going, my friend?
(I've personally battled a couple of grumbly moments. Really, I'm such an impatient person. But The Lord has been very faithful through it all. I can see His provision clearly day by day.)
This week has been moody. That's about all I can deem this week. Today was really really bad physically. The second day after a basketball was always the worst. Coach is mad at me and yeah... But tomorrow will be better! :P
(It's okay Jj, I understand. :) That's why we have friends to encourage us to keep pressing on is it not? ;) <3 )
I'm praying with you for a better day tomorrow. And I fully trust that Jesus has, and will, provide the portion of strength and joy you need each day. <3
^_^ It certainly is! Thank you for being one such friend, Imoutochan!
Love you Jj.
Right back attcha, Imoutochan! ^_^
Aww *-*
I'm praying for you, my friend. ^_^
Revisiting an earlier question:
"...the one who goes in through the gate is the sheep's own shepherd....and the sheep hear his voice. He calls his own sheep, each one by name, and leads them out. After taking out all that are his own, he goes out ahead of them; and the sheep follow him because they recognize his voice....I am the good shepherd; I know my own, and my own know me--just as the Father knows me, and I know the Father--and I lay down my life on behalf of the sheep. Also I have other sheep which are not from this pen; I need to bring them, and they will hear my voice; and there will be one flock, one shepherd....but the reason you [Judeans] don't trust is that you are not included among my sheep. My sheep listen to my voice, I recognize them, they follow me, and I give them eternal life. They will absolutely never be destroyed, and no one will snatch them from my hands. My Father, who gave them to me, is greater than all; and no one can snatch them from the Father's hands."
John 10:2-4, 14-16, 26-29
^_^ <3
That helps... I wish it didn't though. =/
I'm confused, Imoutochan. Why do you wish it didn't help?
And how are you doing today, my friend? I'm praying for you.
Because I shouldn't be helped right now.
Oh, dear heart, there's absolutely no truth in that statement. :( *big hug*
No Jj. I can't beleive it right now. God's mad at me. I could have hurt his little girl. It's my fault. I can't be comforted right now. It's not right.
My friend. I've been in situations where I was responsible for the life or well-being of another and bad things happened. (Once it involved a sweet little girl, who was 12 at the time, being put in physical danger. Another time, I contributed to the emotional pain of a wonderful 17-year-old friend.) Is/was God mad at me? DO I deserve to die? Or be punished? Or punish myself?
No. But if she had died I wouldn't have been able to live with it.
Well... technically I would have died long before her and came but a foot or two close. But still. The thought of it. I get to be reminded every day what happened.
And I don't know about the one time, but I remember the second incident. You didn't DO anything wrong. This was my fault. No, I didn't do anything really stupid, but it's my fault. That my senior year I put the life of my friend in danger. What are people going to remember of me? They'll remember that night.
But this girl did not die, Imoutochan. And neither did you. I would say that is far from divine judgment. ^_^ And, for the record, I'm so very glad that you did not die. <3
My friend, I did not know of your unhappy experience this morning. Yet the Lord woke me up early, expressly called me to spend some time with Him "RIGHT NOW," and then directed me to the tenth chapter of John. He brought you to mind--your anxieties, your questions. The Lord, the Most High God, the One who loves you best and protects you always: He supplied the answer to your question. He called me to share with you a passage that would reassure your heart, dear one. ^_^ THAT is the sort of Lord and Lover we serve. You are not being punished, my friend. You are not some horrible person. Even if your friend had died and you survived, even then the credit or blame would not belong to you. I know it's painful right now, but allow Him to have the responsibility of these frightening events. <3
*starts to cry* And what do I tell my fahter Jj? Huh? I work so hard for his respect. Now I get to start all over. What do I tell the guys when I get around them and pick me to death about it and poke fun for months? What about my family who keeps reminding me of what could have happened? Who is taking the blame? It's me. Knowing something isn't all my fault doesn't help me when everyone is pointing at me.
How's come I woke up shivering and cold and drinched in sweat? :(
I don't know why you woke up so unpleasantly, my friend. Shock and nerves, perhaps? :(
Shock how many hours later?
It happens like that, yes. I was the passenger in a rather frightening auto wreck once. I didn't really hit the "aftershock" until roughly 48 hours later.
But while you're asleep? (for my biologiness :P) Educate me.
Flashbacks. Dreams. Body memory. Your body will go through whatever processing it finds necessary. You don't have to be awake for the effects to show themselves.
It wasn't that traumatic though.
Perhaps not. But you're still very distressed and guilt-ridden, right? That's no small thing, Imoutochan.
Sigh... true.
^_^ The LORD knew you were upset, Imoutochan. I didn't need to know. HE knew you had experienced something traumatic; HE knew you would face an attack of guilt and condemnation as well as criticism and ridicule. HE knew you'd need to be comforted. And He made sure you would know He supplied that comfort before you even asked for it. The Lord loves you so very much, dear heart. You are one of His sheep--called and claimed before you ever drew breath. ^_^
He answered a question I needed an answer to *last* week. What does he have to say about this situation?
Nothing about you, and His relationship with you, is an afterthought or a tag-on. This situation is no exception. You are His sheep; You listen to His voice and follow Him. He provides for you and protects you and cherishes you. ^_^
I love you, my dear friend. And I'm praying for you. Just rest before the Lord. I know resting before Him will not (seemingly) prevent criticism and ridicule from others; but trusting that He is Good and has Good for you will help you walk forward in the face of outside opinions. <3 Jj
I've been in hardship for so long (like years) that I don't even remember what loving or enjoying life feels like. Frankly, I don't think it will ever change. I honestly think I will live like this for the rest of my life. I mean, if this is out of love, a whole life like this would be equally out of love. And if this all to refine me and have me be an example: my whole life I am being refined and my whole life I will be an example. It's not going to get better.
Let's differentiate between "better" and "easier." You're correct: life for you, or for me, or for some other friends, might never get easier. But I am sure it will get better. ^_^
Yeah, but seriously? (Yes, I meant better)
^_^ Seriously. I'm positive. Like Jesus said: "...even if you don't trust me, trust [my] deeds..." Even if you are discouraged and uncertain--even if the Lord's work is not visible in the sense of circumstances appearing to become better or easier--trust what you have heard of Him doing in the past, and what you have seen and experienced of His power and love in your own life. I promise, He is faithfully healing you. He continues to draw you closer to Himself, my friend. And it is beautiful to witness. *-*
Yeah, but will I always live life like this?
I don't know what your life will look like tomorrow or ten years from tomorrow, Imoutochan. But I fully believe He will continue to give you "life more abundantly." <3 Jj
Sigh.. okay. I spose you're right. That's just... not extravagantly comforting at the moment.
How are YOU Jj?
No, but you wouldn't want me to tickle your ears with promises and predictions that I cannot truthfully give. I know He has Good in store for you, my dear friend.
I'm feeling rather nervous and unprepared at the moment. I'd would appreciate your prayers: tomorrow I will be lecturing to a group of people. I can only pray the Lord will take over my mouth, because I certainly don't know what to say at this point.
I know.
Yes, I will ... try. :P You will do fine Jj. He will pull through. I had a talk with the racoon yesterday afternoon about spiritual gifts and he said one thing was for sure that administration was NOT his gift. But that God gives him what he needs to fulfill his calling to that spot.
I've made it through the Corinthians now and I'm on Romans. Thats... 3 and one book repeated in less than 2 weeks. Wow... O.o
Well done! I'm very proud of you, and happy to hear that. ^_^ Hang in there, Imoutochan!
(And thank you for the encouragement--both now and earlier today.) *-*
Hey, now you have a whole weekend to prepare. :)
^_^ Yup!
And you can rest a bit.
Nope. :( I wish I was at school. I have to go work.
Okay... in my verse book you have a page that talks about God preparing a man for me. Now that I think about it, that was really random. Why did you put that in there? After reading in Corinthians I don't think I want to get married anyway. O.o Paul kinda goes on a rampage against it. If all marriage is to keep you from sinning, then I don't think I need to be married... And if God would rather me not be married then I definitely don't want to.
^_^ Why don't you re-ask this question under the newest post? I'd love to talk about it with you there.
I hope you were able to do your work well, without hurting too much. :(
Ooo... a new post. :D
I spoke to soon. ;) But that's okay. *-*
(I like fresh starts :D )
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