
Good Shadows

A friend of mine once posed the question: “Do you think there will be shadows in Heaven?” Light and darkness are such clear-cut metaphors of Good and Evil. Can God, as the source of light, redeem physical darkness? Could there possibly be “good shadows” in Heaven?

I recall my friend’s question every now and then as I explore scripture. Particularly any passage that describes us being protected in the shadow of God’s wings (Ps. 17:8; 36:7; 57:1; 63:7).

What does it mean to be in the shadow of God’s wing? What would a good shadow look like?

I think it would look a great deal like Moses jammed in the cleft of a rock with God’s hand blocking shut the rift, while the Lord’s glory passed by (Ex. 33:17-23; 34:5-7). When we beg God to draw near and show us His glory, and it feels as though He increases the distance. When we long to behold the light of His presence, and He seems to give us darkness instead. These are good shadows. The shadows of God's wing: Someplace small…constrained. Someplace with no detectable updraft; someplace in which we are seemingly alone, shut away from the wind currents of the Holy Spirit.

Someplace protected.

I would like to think that there will be good shadows when we reach Heaven—if only to testify that God’s creation in its entirety is Good. We can not yet know what sights await us there. But I am absolutely certain that good shadows exist in this present life. Moses would not have survived the sight of the Lord’s face. A brief glimpse of His receding glory and the whispered utterance of His holy name was enough to leave Moses glowing like molten metal. We are not yet ready to navigate the unbridled winds of His spirit. The force of such wild currents would crush us. So God protects us. He carefully instills the strength and humility to withstand his intense presence and pure name; He gradually prepares us for the true glories of soaring in His updrafts.

And all the while He guards us in the dark stillness underneath His wing.



Jesus, I thank You that "You prepare a table for me, even as my enemies watch; you anoint my head with oil from an overflowing cup." Do I trust you enough to sit down and eat--to enjoy and be satisfied? Do I have enough faith in your protection to surrender fully to your anointing?

Thank you for your patience, faithfulness, and grace, my Lord!


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Everything falls into place when I look toward You, my Lord. You are Good and Perfect, Holy, Righteous, and Beautiful. I will sit down and eat; I will be satisfied by your abundance...in the midst of all that seeks to destort and destroy. I will submit to your anointing; I will surrender the mistaken instinct to protect myself, and the false notion that failure is inevitable.



That Which the Locust Has Eaten

~The Emperor’s Old Clothes—Part B~

It’s abuse.

“Abuse. Abuse? Th-that’s just not possible. My parents didn’t beat me, didn’t even hit me beyond proper spankings. Dad never touched me in anger or in lust. I have not been abused.”

Is abuse only physical? Baby, you know better than that.

“But I come from a Christian home, with Christian parents. Granted, I recall seeing Dad read his Bible on only three occasions…and he didn’t partake of church from the time I was six until sometime after my fifteenth birthday. And yes, apparently a Christian husband doesn’t usually convince his wife to stop attending Bible study and women’s group—insisting that her time with the Lord is an idol—complaining that it takes her attention away from himself. Just because I can’t remember him praying with me at any time except his standard supper and bedtime prayers…just because he never had any interest in Mom’s repeated requests for a time of family prayer and devotions…that doesn’t mean anything. Right? Right, Lord?”

Will you listen to my Truth, darling?

Tremors filled me. “But it can’t be true. It just can’t.”

And why is that?

“Because…” My stomach clenched and I released a long, shuddering breath. The words came only in a trembling whisper, “Because…it would mean that what I’ve believed about my life, my family, for eighteen years has been—…”

Has been what?

“Oh God, please! Can we change the subject?”

Has been what, dear one?

“Please…I can’t look at this. Please, don’t make me look at this.”

Oh darling, is life apart from my Truth really Life? Trust me. I am more than sufficient; walk into my Light.

One shaky breath. And another. And then: “…what I’ve believed about my life, my family, for eighteen years has been a…lie.”

As the words left my mouth, they hit the cold air of Truth and solidified into a nimbus of frozen crystals that fell, painfully refreshing against my skin. “Oh, God. It’s been a lie.”

Relief. And Fury. I alternately gulped in cold, heady breaths of each. I looked down at the restricting garment I had worn for eighteen years. It was comprised of lies. And it was thoroughly repulsive to me. I had long struggled in this garment—the robe which bore none of my own personality. So to suddenly breathe in the Truth that my robe was a lie…

I acted hastily. I was sickened to acknowledge that I had carried such an unnecessary weight for years; I felt justified in seeking relief immediately. I would not wear the ideal of someone else! I should be able to dress myself; and that’s exactly what I would do! I didn’t wait to ask the Lord what He wanted to do with my garment—I didn’t bother to ask about His plans. I wanted nothing to do with that robe! In desperate anger, I tore it off and flung it behind me.

For the first time, I discovered that I had the freedom to make and wear my own clothes. More than that, based upon the input of my new friends and classmates, I was expected to dress as myself. So I tore my way out of my father’s garment and declared myself “free.”

But…did I have any concept of how to go about creating my own clothing? No. Absolutely not. I suddenly discovered that I had nothing to wear but the now-discarded robe my father put on me so long ago. So there I stood, with no replacement garments in sight.

I was naked. Completely exposed.

[to be continued in Part C]


no, really, I promise...

I'm seriously getting the next installment of That Which the Locust Has Eaten finished. Honest. Thanks for your patience with my *ahem* "delayed intelligence." ^_~

As Jesus and I finish that up, how are you doing? What scriptures have you been pondering? What questions have you been asking the Lord? What questions has He been asking you?

As always, you are in my prayers, dear reader. Keep pressing in toward the Lord, letting Him work in you.



The Mirror

“The words of Adonai are pure words,
silver in a melting-pot set in the earth,
refined and purified seven times over.”
Psalm 12:6

Now, the question is this: When I look into the white-heat of that pure silver, do I come in search of my own ephemeral reflection or the inscribed face of God? (James 1:22-25)

My Lord, please search my heart. Please search the heart of the person reading these words as well. Enable us to “keep speaking and acting like people who will be judged by a Torah which gives freedom” (James 2:12). Let us seek only Your face in Your words; and help us memorize and imitate the beauty of Your features.
I am slowly putting together the next installment of That Which the Locust Has Eaten. (At this moment, my struggle is deciding which issue to address first. So I am currently still submitting this installment to the Lord, seeking His wisdom.) Thank you again for your patience and your prayers. Please let me know how to better pray for you, as well.

In the meantime, I would love to hear what the Lord is speaking to your heart right now. What topics or passages of scripture are being highlighted in your life, in your conversations with Jesus?